Introduction: A Republican era, 1897-1913 --
ch. 1. Republican return to power, 1897-15898 --
ch. 2. Special interests and warmongers disrupt the leadership, 1897-1989 --
ch. 3. Shrewd gestures on currency and trust problems, 1897-1900 --
ch. 4. Opportunities and dangers emerge, 1900-1901 --
ch. 5. Roosevelt invigorates the party, 1901-1902 --
ch. 6. Roosevelt, Allison, and Spooner confront the insurgents, 1902-1903 --
ch. 7. Cannon, trusts, and currency to the fore, 1903 --
ch. 8. Election of 1904 --
ch. 9. Party leadership confronts big business, 1905-1906 --
ch. 10. Epidemic of political caution, 1906 --
ch. 11. Roosevelt-Aldrich-Cannon triumvirate, 1907-1908 --
ch. 12. Taft-Aldrich-Cannon Triumvirate, 1909 --
ch. 13. Party regularity disintegrates, 1910 --
ch. 14. Taft, tariff, and trusts, 1911-1913.