Huey P. Newton: Prelude to Revolution: Introduction (2:30) --
Is the White Right Wing using Black Militants to Wage War? (3:40) --
Young Revolution or Race War? (3:06) --
What Can the Revolutionary Group do to Protect its Leaders? (3:01) --
What Motivates You? (2:08) --
Black Panther Leadership Dynamics (1:45) --
Why Does the System Breed Racism? (2:39) --
Black Panther's Political Program (4:25) --
What if White People Stop Hiring Black People? (1:47) --
Start of a Revolution? (3:30) --
How do You Feel about Sitting in Court? (1:53) --
Jailhouse Environment (4:03) --
Credits: Huey P. Newton: Prelude to Revolution (0:08).