Operation Cloud Lab: Episode 2 (52:30) --
Introduction: Operation Cloud Lab: Episode 2 (2:40) --
Cloud Lab Over the Western Desert (3:03) --
Life at High Altitudes (1:55) --
High-Altitude Parachute Jump (4:19) --
Migrating Nocturnal Moths (3:09) --
Catching a Nocturnal Moth (1:58) --
Insects and Atmospheric Conditions (2:05) --
HAHO Jump from 26,000 Feet (2:44) --
Successful Troposphere Sampling (3:55) --
Life at High Altitudes (3:44) --
Do Cities Create Their Own Weather? (2:12) --
City and Desert Surface Temperatures (2:42) --
Humans Create Their Own Weather (4:18) --
The Airship Battles Pacific Winds (3:47) --
Life and the Pacific Wind (3:34) --
Monterrey Kelp Forest (2:48) --
Cloud Lab's Journey Ends (2:14) --
Credits: Operation Cloud Lab: Episode 2 (0:48).