Part One: The American dream. Politics. Why disfranchisement is bad / Archibald H. Grimké ; The American Negro and the world war ; Fifty thousand and fifty million / Robert R. Moton ; How the Southern Negro is supporting the government / Kate M. Herring ; The Republicans and the Black voter ; Is Al Smith afraid of the South? / W.E.B. DuBois --
Education. Shall the Negro be educated? / from the Outlook ; Educational problems / Reverdy C. Ransom ; Negro youth goes out into life / Eugene Kinckle Jones ; Educational achievements and needs / John Hope --
Cultural equality. Social effects of emancipation / W.E.B. DuBois ; Fundamentals of race progress / Sara W. Brown, M.D. ; Some things Negroes need to do / Carter G. Woodson ; Negro literature for Negro pupils / Alice Dunbar-Nelson ; Enter the new Negro / Alain Locke ; The Negro-art hokum / George S. Schuyler ; The Negro artist and the racial mountain / Langston Hughes ; Correspondence : Negroes and artists / George S. Schuyler and Langston Hughes ; Negro society / Eugene Gordon --
Economics. Conditions among Negroes in the cities / George Edmund Haynes ; An upward climb / from the Southern Workman ; Negroes, North and South : a contrast / Eugene Kinckle Jones ; The Negro as a businessman / from the Outlook ; Your cab company / Camille Cohen-Jones --
American values. Signs of progress among the Negroes / Booker T. Washington ; The training of Negroes for social power / W.E.B. DuBois ; The Negro's place in American life / Booker T. Washington ; The objects of the National Asssociation for the Advancement of Colored People / Oswald Garrison Villard ; The larger success / James Weldon Johnson ; The Negro's opportunity today / Eugene Kinckle Jones --
Part Two: The American nightmare. The Negro's case in equity / Ida B. Wells Barnett ; The voice of the Negro / Daniel Webster Davis ; The race problem : an autobiography / a Southern colored woman ; The Atlanta riots. I. A Southern white point of view / A.J. McKelway ; II. A Northern Black point of view / Carrie W. Clifford ; III. From the point of view of a missionary college / Edward T. Ware ; A letter from Mary White Ovington ; What it means to be colored in the capital of the United States / from the Independent ; At the closed gate of justice / James D. Corrothers ; Democracy and Jim-Crowism / Herbert J. Seligmann ; The woman voter hits the color line / William Pickens ; The lynching industry, 1920 / M.G. Allison ; Chicago / W.E.B. DuBois ; The sweet trial / Walter White --
Part Three: The irony of the dream. The joys of being a Negro / Edward E. Wilson ; Up! Sing the song / James D. Corrothers ; Children of the sun / Fenton Johnson ; An indignation dinner ; In the matter of two men / James D. Corrothers ; President Harding and social equality / from the Nation ; On being Black / Eric D. Walrond ; Elizabeth goes to school / Gustavus Adolphus Steward ; Five poems / Langston Hughes ; To Negroes / Howard J. Young ; My house ; America in retrospect / Claude McKay ; Lincoln monument / Langston Hughes ; A thorn forever in the breast / Countee Cullen ; Our white folks / George S. Schuyler--
Part Four: Other dreams. Garveyism. Marcus Garvey / W.E.B. DuBois ; Africa for the Africans : the Garvey movement / William Pickens ; Garvey : a mass leader / E. Franklin Frazier ; After Marcus Garvey : what of the Negro? / Kelly Miller --
Communism. The Negro and radical thought ; The class struggle ; Socialism and the Negro / W.E.B. DuBois ; Bolshevizing the American Negro / from the Independent ; Lenin casts his shadow upon Africa / Abram L. Harris, Jr. ; Where the battle is fought / Michael Gold ; The faith of the American Negro / Mordecai Wyatt Johnson.