October 1917-18 : Out of chaos
1919 : Depression and fever
1920 : Bureaucracy on the rise
1921 : Should I stay or should I go?
1922 : Just like the old days?
1923 : The birth of ASM and RAPM
1924 : ASM in the ascendant
1926 : Guests from the west
1929 : Velikiy perelom : the great turning point
1930 : RAPM's glorious year?
1931 : RAPM's fortunes turning
October 1917-18 : Out of chaos. Opera and its new audience / N. Petrov ; The tasks of the Music Section (of Moscow Proletkult) / B. Krasin ; A lull / Igor Glebov ; Art and the proletariat / 'R.' --
1919 : Depression and fever. Declaration of the Music Section (of Narkompros) ; Musical responses / Ant. Dianov ; On Wagner / Vyacheslav Ivanov --
1920 : Bureaucracy on the rise. Petrushka at the Academy Opera and Ballet Theatre / Andrey Levinson ; Chaliapin in the Soviet / Victor Serge --
1921 : Should I stay or should I go? The Christmas tree at the Mikhailovsky Theatre / N. Strelnikov ; Eyes and wings : under the impression of Scriabin concerts at the Philharmonia / Anatoliy Kankarovich ; Impressions (On Isadora Duncan) / M. Zagorsky --
1922 : Just like the old days? The revolutionary years in music / L. Sabaneyev ; The Symphony of sirens, and the Baku experiment / Arseny Avraamov --
1923 : The birth of ASM and RAPM. On the romantic R.S.F.S.R : a conversation with the composer Ya. Polferov ; The Association of Proletarian Musicians (Composers, Teachers, and Performers) ; A musical cul-de-sac / A. Sergeyev --
1924 : ASM in the ascendant. Those on the other side / A. Sergeyev ; Diatribes / 'Communist' ; A statement by a group of Moscow State Conservatoire professors ; The struggle for the commune, or The exploded bomb / N. Malkov ; Composers! Keep up! / Igor Glebov ; Ideological platform of the Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians --
1925 : Equilibrium. For Red Petrograd / N. Malkov ; Foxtrot : the dance and the music / V. Blyum ; Sergey Prokofiev's third Concerto / Igor Glebov --
1926 : Guests from the West. 'Production' music : on Kastalsky's Village symphony / Victor Belyayev ; The double-faced Janus ; Jazz-band in Moscow / Nikolai Malko ; A letter from Komsomol members in the Conservatoire to Cmrd A.V. Lunacharsky and Cmrd A.V. Lunacharsky's response --
1927 : Celebrations. The 'left' wing of contemporary music ; The red poppy at the Bolshoi / 'Sadko' --
1928 : At the crossroads. At Der Sprung über den Schatten / A. Lunacharsky ; The path of October / N. Vygodsky ; Johnny at the state Maly Opera House / I. Sollertinsky --
1929 : Velikiy perelom : the great turning point. Bartók and the problem of folk music / A. Weprik ; The third musical Olympiad in Leningrad / Boris Filippov ; The ballet Steps of steel and its composer, Prokofiev / Yu. Keldysh ; The nose : an opera by D. Shostakovich / D. Zhitomirsky --
1930 : RAPM's glorious year? Can a phone call be sung? Notes on The wind from the north / 'Uriel' ; Letter to the editors (of Proletarian musician) / N. Malko ; Our mass music (excerpts) / L. Lebedinsky --
1931 : RAPM's fortunes turning. A Kiev newspaper on Shostakovich's ballet (The golden age) ; Heavenly 'idyll', or fascism in priestly garb / N. Vygodsky ; Under a proletarian veil / 'Terzetto' ; Music for the film Alone / Kl. Korchmaryov ; How I worked on the song 'They wanted to beat us' / A. Davidenko --
1932 : The rules change. On the restructuring of literary and artistic organisations. Resolution of the Central Committee of the VKP(b) of 23 April 1932 ; On the music front ; A symphony of struggle : on Myaskovsky's twelfth Symphony / D. Kabalevsky ; A tragedy-satire (Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District) / D. Shostakovich ; The opera and the composer (Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District) / M. Grinberg ; Music of the 'third estate' (On the ballet The flames of Paris) / Igor Glebov ; In the carriage (Sergei Prokofiev : marking his arrival in the Soviet Union) / VI. Derzhanovsky.