SIBERIA AND ALASKA : Stranded on Bering Island / Georg Wilhelm Stellar
The walk to Moscow / John Dundas Cochrane
CENTRAL AND SOUTH ASIA : Alarms amongst the Uzbeks / Alexander Burnes
On the roof of the world / John Wood
Lhasa beckons / Regis-Evariste Huc
Exploring Angkhor / Henri Mouhot
Over the Karakorams / Francis Edward Younghusband
Trials in Tibet / Ekai Kawaguchi
At the source of the Indus / Sven Hedin
Everest by storm / Edmund Hilary
ARABIA : Escape from Riyadh / William Gifford Palgrave
Desert days / Charles Montagu Doughty
The point of return / Harry St. John Bridger Philby
To the empty quarter for a drink of water / Wilfred Thesiger
WEST AFRICA : Alone in Africa / Mungo Park
The road to Kano / Hugh Clapperton
Down the Niger / Richard Lander
Arrival in Timbuktu / Heinrich Barth
EAST AND CENTRAL AFRICA : Among the Sudanese / James Bruce
Not the source of the Nile / Richard Francis Burton
A glimpse of Lake Victoria / John Hanning Speke
The reservoir of the Nile / Samuel White Baker
Last days / David Livingstone
Encounters on the Upper Congo / Henry Morton Stanley
A novice at large / Joseph Thomson.
AUSTRALIA : Landfall at Botany Bay / James Cook
Escape from the outback / Charles Sturt
Death at Coopers Creek / William John Wills
To see the sea / John McDouall Stuart
NORTH AMERICA : First crossing of America / Alexander Mackenzie
Meeting the Shoshonee / Meriwether Lewis
SOUTH AMERICA : Eating dirt in Venezuela / Alexander von Humboldt
Iron rations in Amazonia / Henry Savage Landor
The discovery of Machu Picchu / Hiram Bingham
ARCTIC : Four years in the ice / John Ross
Living off lichen and leather / John Franklin
Adrift on an Arctic ice floe / Fridtjof Nansen
The Pole is mine / Robert Edwin Peary
ANTARCTIC : Farthest South / Ernest Henry Shackleton
The Pole at last / Roald Amundsen
In extremis / Robert Falcon Scott.