Pastoricito santo = Blessed shepherd boy : (1952) --
Coplillas de Belén = Bethlehem carol : (1952) --
La espera = The wait : (1952) --
Con Antonio Machado = With Antonio Machado : (1971). Preludio = Prelude ; Mi corazón te aguarda = My heart is waiting for you ; Tu voz y tu mano = Your voice and your hand ; Los sueños = Dreams ; Cantaban los niños = The children were singing ; ¿Recuerdas? = Do you remember? ; Fiesta en el prado = Fair in the meadow --
Canción del grumete = Song of the ship's boy : (1938) --
Una palomita blanta = A little dove : (1951) --
Foliás canarias : (1958) --
Romance de Durandarte = Ballad of Durandarte : (1955) --
Coplas del pastor anamorado = Song of the shepherd in love : (1935) --
Aranjuez, ma pensée = Aranjuez, my memory : (1988) --
Tres canciones españolas = Three Spanish songs : (1951) --
Cuarto canciones sefardíes = Four Sephardic songs : (1965). Respóndemos = Answer us ; Una pastora yo ami = I loved a shepherdess --
Cuatro madrigales amatorios = Four madrigals of love : (1947). Vos me matesteis = You have killed me ; De los álamos vengo, madre = I come from the poplars, mother.