What is urban planning? Making great cities : why planning matters ; Changing places : planning for the 21st century ; Who makes urban plans and why ; Making plans : a step-by-step approach
Putting all the pieces together : the main components of an urban plan. Land use : a place for everything ; Housing : a place to call home ; Moving the city : transportation ; The city beautiful : urban design ; The great outdoors : natural resources, open space, and more ; Infrastructure and public services : something for everyone
Hot topics and urban planning challenges. Greening the city : making sustainable places ; Urban revitalization : cities on the rebound ; Rushing to the suburbs : managing sprawl ; Healing the city : planning and disasters ; Taking care of business : jobs and economic development ; Global urban planning : answering the challenges of growth and development
Getting involved and going further. Getting involved in your community ; Becoming a professional urban planner
The part of tens. Ten ways to make your community a better place to live, work, and play ; Ten great cities with great plans ; Ten urban plans you can find online.