Jonah's gourd vine (1934) : A pungent, poetic novel about Negroes [review of Jonah's gourd vine] / Josephine Pinckney
The browsing reader [review of Jonah's gourd vine] / Andrew Burris
Mules and men (1935) : The full, true flavor of life in a Negro community [review of Mules and men] / H.I. Brock
[Review of Mules and men] / B.C. McNeill
Literary objective : Hurston's use of personal narrative in Mules and men / Sandra Dolby-Stahl
Mules and men and women : Zora Neale Hurston's strategies of narration and visions of female empowerment / Cheryl A. Wall
Their eyes were watching God (1937) : Vibrant book full of nature and salt [review of Their eyes were watching God] / Sheila Hibben
Between laughter and tears [review of Their eyes were watching God] / Richard Wright
You can't hear their voices [review of Their eyes were watching God] / Otis Ferguson
Power, judgment, and narrative in a work of Zora Neale Hurston : feminist cultural studies / Rachel Blau DuPlessis
"' ... Ah said Ah'd save de text for you'" : recontextualizing the sermon to tell (her) story in Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were watching God / Dolan Hubbard
Naming and power in Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were watching God / Sigrid King
Gender and ambition : Zora Neale Hurston in the Harlem Renaissance / Ralph D. Story.
Tell my horse : voodoo and life in Haiti and Jamaica (1938) : Witchcraft in the Caribbean Island [review of Tell my horse] / Harold Courlander
In Haiti and Jamaica [review of Tell my horse] / Carl Carmer
[Review of Tell my horse] / C.G. Woodson
Moses, man of the mountain (1942) : Led his people free [review of Moses, man of the mountain] / Percy Hutchison
The Negro's Moses [review of Moses, man of the mountain] / Philip Slomovitz
Zora Neale Hurston's Moses, man of the mountain : a fictionalized manifesto on the imperatives of black leadership / Ruthe T. Sheffey
Dust tracks on a road : an autobiography (1942) : Zora Hurston sums up [review of Dust tracks] / Phil Strong
[Review of Dust tracks on a road] / W. Edward Farrison
Zora Neale Hurston's Dust tracks : autobiography and artist novel / Philip A. Snyder
Seraph on the Suwanee : a novel (1948) : Freud in turpentine [a review of Seraph on the Suwanee] / Frank G. Slaughter
A woman saved [review of Seraph on the Suwanee] / Herschel Brickell
The courageous undertow of Zora Neale Hurston's Seraph on the Suwanee / Janet St. Clair.
The sanctified church : the folklore writings of Zora Neale Hurston (1984) : Reflections of the Santified church as portrayed by Zora Neale Hurston / Marion A. Thomas
Mule bone : a comedy of Negro life (1991) : Why the Mule bone debate goes on [review of Mule bone] / Henry Louis Gates Jr.
A difficult birth for Mule bone [review of Mule bone] / Frank Rich
A discovery worth the wait? [review of Mule bone] / Patrick Pacheco
The complete stories (1995) : the light at daybreak : heterosexual relationships in Hurston's short stories / Wilfred D. Samuels
Bibliography : Writings by Zora Neale Hurston / Blaine L. Hall.