Old Crabby: first foreign correspondent [Henry Crabb Robinson]
"A newspaper should be free" [John Walter II]
"Most powerful man in the country" [Thomas Barnes]
Peterloo Massacre [aka Manchester Massacre, 1819]
Duke and "The Times" [Duke of Wellington]
Great Exhibition [of 1851]
"By Jove, I am editor of the Times!" [John Thadeus Delane]
Palmerston and The Times [Lord Palmerston]
Responsible to the people of England
William Howard Russell in the Crimea
Paris by pigeon and balloon [Franco-Prussian War 1870]
Blowitz scoops the world [Henri Stefan Opper de Blowitz, Paris correspondent]
Gordon in Khartoum [Frank Power]
Parnell: the most spectacular mistake [letters implicating Parnell, leader of the Irish parliamentary group in the Commons, with the Phoenix Park murders of 1882]
Jack the Ripper: no gruesome detail spared
Flora Shaw and the Jameson Raid (Boer War, South Africa, 1895)
Queen Victoria and the "atrocious Times"
"Our man in Morocco" [Walter Burton Harris]
Trying to stop the rot [Moberly Bell]
Northcliffe to the rescue [Lord Northcliffe]
Great War and the censor [World War I]
Prime Minister unmade [Herbert Asquith and Lloyd George]
Votes for women [Women's suffrage]
Tutankhamun: Fleet Street scooped [Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon 1922]
General strike: we thunder on [1926]
Abdication crisis: spokesman or manipulator? [Prince of Wales and Wallis Simpson 1936]
Appeasement and other errors
Blitz "no interference with production" [World War II]
Everest scoop [Hillary and Tenzing, 1953]
Winston Churchill and "The Times"
Hayley: one of the great editors [Sir William Haley]
Some of our own correspondents