Part 1: Setting the stage
A world in turmoil, 1939-1941
Genesis of the warlords: Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt, 1874-1941
The road to "Arcadia": Placentia Bay and the Atlantic Charter
The "Arcadia" Conference and the Pacific dimension, December 22, 1941, to January 14, 1942
Arcadian aftermath: Europe or North Africa?
In the bear's lair: the first Moscow Conference, August 1942
End of the beginning: North Africa and the Eastern Front, 1942
Global strategy and unconditional surrender: the Casablanca Conference, January 14-24, 1943
Sicily, Italy, and the Second Front: the "Trident" Conference, May 12-25, 1943
Italy, the Pacific, and Operation "Overlord": the "Quadrant" Conference, August 14-24, 1943
Toward the power of three: Moscow and Cairo, October to November 1943
The power of three: the Tehran Conference, November 1943
Part 3: Shaping the peace
The fruits of their labors, December 1943 to July 1944
Idealism and realism: the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, August 21 to October 9, 1944
Strategy, economics and "Tube alloys": the "Octagon" Conference, September 12-16, 1944, and the Hyde Park Meeting, September 19, 1944
The bear and the bulldog: the "Tolstoy" Conference, October 9-19, 1944
Matters of war and peace: the "Argonaut" Conferences, January 20 to February 11, 1945
Götterdämmerung: the final defeat of Germany, March to May 1945
Anatomy of a war summit: the "Terminal" Conference, July 17 to August 2, 1945
Quo vadis? War summits and the postwar world.