Preface to the Third Edition
Note on transliteration and pronunciation
Hinduism : sources and worldview --
ch. 1. The beginnings of Hinduism --
ch. 2. Hindu Dharma : orthodoxy and heresy in Hinduism --
ch. 3. The Veda : revelation and scripture in Hinduism --
ch. 4. Itihāsa Purāna : the heart of Hinduism --
ch. 5. The Bhagavadgītā --
ch. 6. The world of the Hindu --
ch. 7. The many gods and the one god of Hinduism --
pt. 2. Trimārga : the three Hindu paths to liberation --
ch. 8. The path of works : Karmamārga --
ch. 9. Purity and merit : the twin concerns of Karmamārga --
ch. 10. Saṃskāras: the Hindu sacraments --
ch. 11. The path of knowledge : Jñānamārga --
ch. 12. Ātman and Brahman : self and all --
ch. 13. Karma, Vidyā, Mokṣa: liberation from rebirth --
ch. 14. The path of loving devotion: Bhaktimārga --
ch. 15. Lord Viṣṇu and his devotees --
ch. 16. Śiva : the grace and the terror of God --
ch. 17. Devī : the divine mother --
ch. 18. Mudalvan, Murukan, Māl : the great gods of the Tamils.
pt. 3. The structural supports of Hinduism --
ch. 19. The divine presence in space and time : Mūrti, Tīrtha, Kāla --
ch. 20. The Hindu social order : Caturvarṇāśramadharma --
ch. 21. Saṃnyāsa : the highest Hindu aspiration --
ch. 22. Strīdharma : the position of women in Hinduism --
ch. 23. Hindu structures of thought : the Ṣaḍdarśanas --
ch. 24. Hindu logic and physics : Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika --
ch. 25. Hindu metaphysics and psychology : Sāṁkhya-Yoga --
ch. 26. Hindu theology, old and new : Mīmāṃsā and Vedānta --
pt. 4. Hinduism encountering the "other" --
ch. 27. Hinduism and Buddhism --
ch. 28. Hinduism and Christianity in India --
ch. 29. Hindus and Muslims in India --
ch. 30. Hindu reforms and reformers --
ch. 31. Mahātmā Gandhi : a twentieth-century Karmayogi --
ch. 32. Hindūtva, Hinduism, Hindu dharma --
ch. 33. India and the West --
ch. 34. Hinduism and science --
ch. 35. Hinduism and ecology --
ch. 36. Hindu measures of time --
ch. 37. Indian chronology