pt. I. Foundations for Practice --
1. Overview of Psychiatric Nursing --
2. The Person as a Client --
3. Philosophical Positions --
4. Theoretical Approaches --
5. Nursing Theorists' Approaches --
6. Therapeutic Communication --
7. Developing a Therapeutic Relationship --
8. The Nursing Process in Psychiatric Nursing --
9. Cultural Considerations in Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing --
pt. II. Behavioral Concepts --
15. Flexibility-Rigidity --
16. Dependence-Independence --
18. Addictive Behavior --
pt. III. Therapeutic Modalities --
24. Psychotropic Medications --
26. Community Mental Health Nursing --
27. Crisis Intervention --
31. Therapy for Clients with Eating Disorders --
32. Therapy with Chronically Mentally Ill Clients --
33. Therapy with Clients with Dementia --
34. Therapy with Victims of Abuse --
pt. IV. Life-Cycle Phases --
39. The Middle-Aged Adult --
pt. V. Issues and Trends --
44. Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement --
45. Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Nursing --
App. A: DSM-III-R Classification: Axes I-V Categories and Codes --
App. B: ANA Standards of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice --