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Great American folklore: legends, tales, ballads, and superstitions from all across America
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Table of Contents
From the Book - First Touchstone edition.
Where the road forks and the river bends : travelers' tales. The Arkansas traveler
Davy Crockett and the fiddler in the river
How Uncle Steve interpreted Spanish
How Johnny Appleseed brought apple blossoms to the West
Nail soup
Ohio roads
A pallet on the floor
The six thousand year principle
Ain't lost
Lodging in Kansas
Michigan bedbugs
A Yankee finishes his meal
A frequent mover
The Hoosier and the salt pile
A white elephant
Hands up!
An experienced river pilot
Mississippi sounding calls
Steamboats are dangerous
"It's all right, Captain"
Nehemiah Fluf'kin's visit to the city
On a slow train through Arkansaw [i.e. Arkansas]
The ballad of Casey Jones
Lingo of the rails
Traveling superstitions
The traveler's homecoming.
The hills beyond : pioneer tales. Captain John Smith and Pocahontas
Daniel Boone's tale of the three notches
Bewildered Boone
"That's John's Gun!"
A mighty strange turkey
A pioneer woman fights back
How Muldrow found his neighbor
A savage Santa Claus
The trapper's hello
The trappers' camp
The day Jim Bridger ran off
Old Gabe to the rescue
Joe Meek's mule
Watch what you say
A long way for advice
The death of a mountain man.
The fightin' spirit. Too long between fights
Yankee Doodle
How Mike Fink beat Davy Crockett in a shooting match
Mike Fink and the deacon's bull
Tough fighters
Snake Thompson, a good fiddler
The Texas Rangers
The fight
The talking match
The blacksmith duel
The last duel in Ohio
The good old rebel
The Yank reunion
Mormon Zack wastes no time
Silver Jack
The sissy from Hardscrabble County
John Henry, the steel-drivin' man
The Hatfield-McCoy feud : how it started
Mose Humphreys : the fighting fireman
Strap Buckner, the fightingest man
The death of Crockett.
Hunting and fishing yarns. How Jack Wood got thin
The tale of the dog with the upside, downside legs
Mart Moody's bird dog
Pretty baby
A hand-caught rabbit
Running the fox
A shooter with a heart
Accommodating deer
Why I never shoot bears
Bee hunting in the Ozarks
A fine bloomin' shot!
The buck or the bullet
Major Brown's coon story
A coon-hunt in a fency country
Davy Crockett meets his match
An underwater robbery
When we isn't we
Hunting superstitions
Shotgun Charlie goes fishing
A hard-drinking snake
The fish rider
The saucer-back halibut
Old Joe, the legendary catfish
Crooked stream
Grant's tame trout
Fishing superstitions
Anything a man can do, a woman does better.
Love and marriage. High Horse's courting : a Sioux love story
Buffalo gals
Jemima, what have you done to me?
Old Smoky
Joe Bowers
Frankie and Johnny
A New England courtship
A frontier love story
Crockett pops the question
How Daniel Boone found his wife
Black-eyed Susie
Superstitions : love and marriage
Weddings, frontier style
Square-dance calls
The bride and groom of Pisgah
The mermaid
The queen of the bull-whackers
Birthing, the frontier way
Superstitions : pregnancy and infants
A close call
I once loved a young man
A patient wife
A wise husband
"Old Whiskers"
Why womens is sharper dan mens
She wanted a divorce
Sweet Betsey from Pike
De ways of de wimmens
Harvey and Myra.
Preachers and their congregations. If only the angels knew
What did he say?
The fighting parson
Predestination for the Indian
The deacon's testimony
The stolen wedges
Soapy Smith preaches to the damned
Little mercies
A parson's supper
Cheesebox church
Faith and expectation
Powers of concentration
Catching the Lord
Last licks
An oilman helps out
How they sing in the city
Advice on sin
The settin' up
Dividing up the souls
Bundle of troubles
Toll 'em heavy
Superstitions about faith
The reformation of Uncle Billy.
Witches, ghosts, and strange events. Granny Frone
Old Ferro
The hag of Plymouth
The tale of the talking eggs
The black cats are talking
The sick man's ghost
The miser's gold
The ghostbuster
Supernatural superstitions
Death superstitions
The mystery star
The seven-year light on Bone Hill
The death-watch tick
Fiddler's dram
An epitaph
The girl with the lavender dress.
Animal tales. Coyote turns into a buffalo : a Pawnee myth
The wonderful tar-baby story
How Mr. Rabbit was too sharp for Mr. Fox
What the guinea hen says
Sheer crops
Never hold your head too high
How Sandy got his meat
De knee-high man
Two-Toe Tom
The boll weevil song
Animal superstitions.
Country life and country laughter. Trespassers beware
A melting story
Racing the train
The new telephone wire
When you don't know, guess
The razorback hog
A family pet
Pig or puppy
Quit while you're ahead
Little brown jug
Thanks just the same
A little more cider
A still tongue makes a wise head
A long-handled shovel
Paw won't like this
Ask the river
A mean grocer
The vinegar queen's supper
The boardinghouse
East Texas episode
The man from Texas
Keep going
Oolah! Oolah!
Crockett gets the votes
Change the name of Arkansas?
Fitting epitaph
Hog-thieves hanging together
How do you plead?
Shotgun Charlie's sage advice
Listen to the people talk
Children's rhymes.
The wild, wild West. The West
Another view of the West
The shallows of the ford
The robbers and the widow
Jesse James meets Wild Bill
The fateful Northfield raid
Doc Holliday
Wyatt Earp plays a lone hand
Shoot-out at the O.K. Corral
Butch Cassidy robs the payroll train
Sam Bass
Hang me, o hang me
Judge Parker, the hanging judge
Roy Bean as coroner
Law-abiding folks
Judge Three-Legged Willie
The death of Billy the Kid
The death of Wild Bill
On the dodge
Outlaw women
Calamity's bet
Annie Oakley makes her name
The disappointed tenderfoot
The wild, wild West show
Annie Oakley's twilight.
The cowboy: funny, tough, and lonesome. Home on the range
Too much talk
A cowboy's comforts
No complaints
A rare steak
Advice to a cowboy
All in a day's work
Longrope's last guard
The Kansas line
What the cowpoke saw
Good-hearted cowboys
Bone Mizell buries a buddy
The saga of Pecos Bill
An honorable genealogy
Lost in heaven
A cowboy finds a friend
A poor bet
The cowboy's lament
The speckled yearlin'
Cowboy's last request.
The tall tales of swappers, liars, and boasters. A stubborn critter
The mare with the false tail
How a dog made Pete Andrews rich
Crazy for whiskey
The fireproof pitch
The fish-boning machine
The truth about liars
Bill Greenfield, a great liar
A cold day
A good imitation
John Darling, an even bigger liar
Big mosquitoes
Big Wind at Hurley
Sandstorm yarns
Ira and Tom build fences
Weather lore
The deep snow
The boy and the turkeys
Well-dressed turkeys
Some liars of the Old West
The hickory toothpick
Climbing the ladder
A long name
A long high jump
A bear for work
A scared crow
Hoop snakes
The swollen hoe handle
The soft-soaped mule
Can rats read?
The cat with the wooden paw
The boomer's hound
Sam Patch, jumping man
The high divers
Casey at the bat
Febold Feboldson, the most inventingest man
Gib Morgan and the whickles
Gib's biggest rig
How Gib invented rubber boots
How Gib saved his tool dresser.
Paul Bunyan and his world. Paul Bunyan's birth
Babe, Paul Bunyan's blue ox
Heavy-timbered land
Why the Great Lakes have no whales
The lumberman's song
The round drive
How Paul Bunyan cleared North Dakota
Tony Beaver meets Paul Bunyan.
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Battle, Kemp P. compiler
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