Looking towards Babel: introducing the mysteries of psycholinguistics
Babies, birth, and language: what babies learn about language, even before they are born
Chinchillas do it too: learning to discriminate between different sounds
Words, and what we learn to do with them: learning about words, and how to combine them
Organizing the dictionary: phonemes, syllables, and other ways of looking up words
Words, and how we (eventually) find them: accessing the mental representations of words
Time flies like an arrow: understanding sentences I, coping with ambiguity
Who did what, and to whom?: understanding sentences II, identifying who is being talked about, what they are doing, and who they are doing it to
On the meaning of meaning: the concepts associated with 'understanding' and 'meaning'
Exercising the vocal organs: how we produce words and sentences
The written word: writing systems, reading, eye movements, and Socrates
When it all goes wrong: disorders of language
Wiring-up a brain: artificial brains and language learning
The descent from Babel: not all languages were created equal.