A brief history of food: the origins of agriculture, how it developed and the huge gaps that exist between farmers today --
On the brink: who feeds the world? A taxonomy of the global food system on the eve of crisis --
The world food crisis: richer diets, biofuels, wild weather and ecological limits: the true causes of high food prices --
Was Malthus right?: Population growth and carrying capacity: a stock-take of the planet's food resources --
This time is different: is this end of cheap food? Structural shifts, price volatility and the 'new normal' --
Starve thy neighbour: export bans, panic purchases and why countries are stuck in a prisoner's dilemma --
Trading in the wind: are financial speculators to blame for higher food prices? Shadows and reality in futures markets --
Stirring the alphabet soup: the ABCD of commodity trading: established companies, new competitors and the race to secure supply chains --
Land grabs: foreign investment in farmland and the new scramble for Africa: win-win or dangerous folly? --
How this story might end: dangerous trends, nightmare outcomes and the geopolitics of food in the twenty-first century --
Better ways to feed the world: mapping out routes to a more sustainable and just food system.