1. About the Study / Michael Ellman and Vladimir Kontorovich. 1.1. What Is Known About the Collapse. 1.2. Why Learn from the Insiders? 1.3. The Focus of the Study. 1.4. How the Study Was Done. 1.5. The Contributors
2. What We Learn from the Insiders / Michael Ellman and Vladimir Kontorovich. 2.1. Soviet Society in the Mid-1980s. 2.2. Inspiration for the First Steps. 2.3. The Internal Dynamics of Perestroika. 2.4. Why They Did Not Turn Back. 2.5. Conclusion
3. The USSR in the Mid-1980s: Structural Factors. 3.1. Standard of Living and Popular Discontent / Vladimir Shlapentokh. 3.2. The Arms Race and the Burden of Military Expenditures / Sergei Belanovsky
4. The USSR in the Mid-1980s: Rulers' Perceptions. 4.1. Monopolized Statistics Under a Totalitarian Regime / Moisei Eydelman. 4.2. An Uninvited Advisor / Gregory Khanin. 4.3. The View from Gosplan: Growth to the Year 2000 / Gennadii Zoteev. 4.4. The Changing View from the Top.