From the eVideo - 21st Century edition.
Booms and Bust: Who can explain the Business Cycle? (2:02) --
Rise of Marxian Theory (2:19) --
Self-Generated Cycle (1:29) --
Gale of Creative Destruction (1:58) --
Why are Marx and Schumpeter's Ideas so Different? (1:45) --
Advent of the Great Depression (2:48) --
Herbert Hoover Villified (3:14) --
Advent of Keynesian Theory (2:04) --
Keynes Revolutionary Theory (1:38) --
Hyman Minsky's Prediction (2:54) --
The Minsky Moment (3:11) --
Inevitability of Booms and Busts (2:21) --
Credits: Boom and Bust-Economics U$A: 21st Century Edition (0:29).