Trade liberalization and economic growth: Does trade liberalization contribute to economic prosperity? / David Dollar, Robert H. Wade --
Trade and equality: Does free trade promote economic equality? / L. Alan Winters, Kate Vyborny and Nancy Birdsall --
Poverty: Can foreign aid reduce poverty? / Jeffrey Sachs, George B.N. Ayittey --
Emerging technology and political institutions: Is the precautionary principle an effective tool for policymakers to use in regulating emerging technologies? / Indur M. Goklany, John D. Graham --
Terrorism and security: Is international terrorism a significant challenge to national security? / Scott Atran, John Mueller --
Nuclear weapons: Should the United States or the international community aggressively pursue nuclear nonproliferation policies? / Scott D. Sagan and Josh A. Weddle, Todd S. Sechser --
Military intervention and human rights: Is foreign military intervention justified by widespread human rights abuses? / Jack Donnelly, Simon Chesterman --
Climate change and the environment: Can international regimes be effective means to restrain carbon emissions? / Ruth Greenspan Bell, Samuel Thernstrom --
The future of energy: Should governments encourage the development of alternative energy sources to help reduce dependence on fossil fuels? / Christopher Flavin, Michael Lynch --
HIV/AIDS: Should the wealthy nations promote anti-HIV/AIDS efforts in poor nations? / Kammerle Schneider and Laurie Garrett, Mark Heywood --
Gender: Should the United States aggressively promote women's rights in developing nations? / Isobel Coleman, Marcia E. Greenberg --
Immigration: Should countries liberalize immigration policies? / James F. Hollifield, Philip Martin --
Culture and diversity: Should development efforts seek to preserve local culture? / Elsa Stamatopoulou, Kwame Anthony Appiah --
Civil society: Do NGOs wield too much power? / Kenneth Anderson, Marlies Glasius --
Democracy: Should all nations be encouraged to promote democratization? / Francis Fukuyana and Michael McFaul, Edward D. Mansfield and Jack Snyder.