3. Electronic Spectra of Octahedral Complexes
4. Substituted and Distorted Octahedral Complexes, and Square-Planar Complexes
6. Magnetism and the Magnetic Properties of Transition-Metal Complexes
7. Summary of Crystal-Field Theory
8. Molecular Orbital Theory of Transition-Metal Complexes
9. Bonding in Octahedral Complexes
10. Bonding in Complexes of D[subscript 4h] Symmetry
11. Bonding in Tetrahedral Complexes
12. Complexes of Other Symmetry
13. Complexes with Two Metal Atoms
14. Charge-Transfer Bands in the Electronic Spectra of Transition-Metal Complexes
15. Revision Exercise: Complexes of Cobalt(II) and Cobalt(III)
App. Flow Chart for Determining the Symmetry Point Group of an Object