The simplification of life / Edward Carpenter
The art of building a home / Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin
A California house founded on the California mission style
An old-fashioned house with the dining room and kitchen in one
A small cottage that is comfortable, attractive and inexpensive
A plain house that will last genertaions and need but few repairs
A cottage of cement or stone that is conveniently arranged for a small family
Suburban house designed for a lot having wide frontage but little depth
A very simple and inexpensive cottage built of battened boards
A cement house that shows the decorative use of concrete as a framework
Cement house showing lavish use of half-timber as a decoration
Cement house showing craftsman idea of half-timber construction
A comfortable and convenient house for the suburbs or the country
A craftsman city house designed to accomodate two families
A craftsman farmhouse that is comfortable, homelike and beautiful
House with court, pergolas, outdoor living rooms and sleeping balconies
The craftsman's house: A practical application of our theories of home building
A small shingled house that shows many interesting structural features
A roomy, inviting farmhouse, designed for pleasant home life in the country
A simple, straightforward design from which many homes have been built
A craftsman house in which tower construction has been effectively used
A concrete cottage designed in the form of a Greek cross to admit more light
A bungalow of irregular form and unusually interesting construction
A roomy, homelike farmhouse for lovers of plain and wholesome country life
A plaster house upon which wood has been liberally used
A farmhouse designed with a long, unbroken roof line at the back
Two inexpensive but charming cottages for women who want their own homes
A log house that will serve either as a summer camp or a country home
A pleasant and homelike cottage designed for a small family
A country clubhouse that is built like a log cabin
A plain little cabin that would make a good summer home in the woods
A bungalow built around a courtyard facing the water
A rustic cabin that is meant for a week-end cottage or a vacation home
A bungalow built around a courtyard facing the water
A rustic cabin that is mean for a week-end cottage or a vacation home
A bungalow designed for a mountain camp or summer home
A convenient bungalow with separate kitchen and open air dining room
A cottage planned with a special idea to economical heating
A cottage that comes within the limits of very moderate means
A country house that was originally planned for a mountain camp
Porches, pergolas and terraces: The charm of living out of doors
The effective use of cobblestones as a link between house and landscape
Beautiful garden gates: The charm that is always found in an interesting approach to an enclosure
The natural garden: Some things that can be done when nature is followed instead of thwarted
What may be done with water and rocks in a little garden
Halls and stairways: Their importance in the general scheme of a craftsman house
The living room: Its many uses and the possibilities it has for comfort and beauty
The dining room as a center of hospitality and good cheer
A convenient and well-equipped kitchen that simplifies the housework
The treatment of wall spaces so that a room is in itself complete and satisfying
Floors that compete the decorative scheme of a room
An outline of furniture-making in this coutnry showing the place of craftsman furniture in the evolution of an American style
Willow chairs and settles which harmonize with the more severe and massive furniture made of oak
Craftsman metal work: Designed and made according to the same principles that rule the furniture
The kind of fabrics and needlework that harmonize with and complete the craftsman decorative scheme
Home training in cabinet work
Our native woods and their treatment