Practical Chemistry, Mining, and Metallurgy --
What Fresh Hell Is This? --
The Essence of Matter: Four Elements (or Five); Three Principles (or Two); or Three Subatomic Particles (or More) --
Unifying The Infinite and the Infinitesimal --
Seeding the Earth with Metals --
Practical Chemistry: Mining, Assaying, and Refining --
Spiritual and Allegorical Alchemy --
The Philosopher's Stone Can No Longer Be Protected By Patent --
The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine. First Key: The Wolf of Metals and the Impure King --
Ratso Rizzo and the Poet Virgil as Transmuting Agents? --
Catawba Indian Pottery: Four Colors and a Miracle of Survival --
Dragons, Serpents, and Order out of Chaos --
Today's Specials: Oil of Scorpion and Lady's Spot Fade-In Cream --
"Vulgar And Common Errors" --
What Is Wrong with this Picture? --
Protecting the Roman Empire's Currency from the Black Art --
Geber and Rhazes: Alchemists from the Biblical Lands --
Alchemists as Artists' Subjects --
Allegories, Myths, and Metaphors --
Iatrochemistry and Spagyricall Preparations --
The Dream Team of Alchemy --
Distillation By Fire, Hot Water, Sand, or Steamed Boar Dung --
Chemistry Begins to Emerge as a Science --
The First Ten-Pound Chemistry Text --
A Tree Grows in Brussels --
Curing Wounds by Treating the Sword with Powder of Sympathy --
Do Anonymous Passersby Defecate At Your Doorstep? A Solution --
A House Is Not a Home without a Bath Tub and a Still --
Boyle Versus Aristotle And Paracelsus --
The Atmosphere Is Massive.