Reading in slow motion / Reuben A. Brower --
Symbolic landscape in Wordsworth and Yeats / Paul de Man --
North of Boston: Frost's poetry of dialogue / William H. Pritchard --
Poetry in an age of prose: Arnold and Gray / Neil H. Hertz --
The authority of the narrative voice in Paradise lost / Anne Davidson Ferry --
The poet-readers of Wallace Stevens / Thomas B. Whitbread --
New uses of adversity: tragic experience in The tempest / Stephen Kitay Orgel --
King Lear and the theory of the "sight pattern" / Paul J. Alpers --
Henry VIII: the conscience of the king / Paul Bertram --
Swift and the common reader / Oswald Johnston --
Heroic folly: Pope's satiric identity / Thomas R. Edwards, jr. --
Generality in Augustan satire / William Youngren --
Jane Austen's Emma: the truths and disguises of human disclosure / G. Armour Craig --
That way madness lies: nature and human nature in Parkman's La Salle / William R. Taylor --
Mark Twain, Jane Austen, and the imagination of society / Richard Poirier.