Care-charming sleep / Robert Johnson (5:15)
Whiles I this standing lake / William Lawes (3:07)
Go, happy man / John Coperario (2:00)
What tears, dear prince, can serve / Robert Ramsey (3:270
Music, the master of thy art is dead / William Lawes (2:50)
No more shall meads / Nicholas Lanier (3:10)
Go, perjured man / Robert Ramsey (1:18)
Pavan in F-major / John Jenkins (4:02)
Give me my lute / John Banister (2:27)
Howl not, you ghosts and furies / Robert Ramsey (4:40)
Britanocles the great and good appears / William Lawes (3:18)
Powerful Morpheus, let thy charms / William Webb (4:46)
Rise, princely shepherd / John Hilton (6:39)
Adieu to the pleasures / James Hart (4:44)
Amintas, that true hearted swain / John Banister (3:43)
Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain / John Blow (5:10)
Little consort of 3 parts, suite III. Saraband / Matthew Locke (1:24)
When Orpheus sang / Henry Purcell (4:16)
Phillis, oh! turn that face / John Jackson (2:02)
Amphion Angelicus. Sing, sing, ye muses / John Blow (3:43).