Introduction. Setting the stage ; Textual issues ; Summary of the book
The feminine principle in the Vedas. Cosmogony, cosmology, and goddesses in the Vedas ; Saṃhitās ; Brāhmaṇas ; Upaniṣads
Prakṛti, Māyā, and Śakti: the feminine principle in philosophical discourse. Prakṛti ; Māyā ; Śakti
The feminine principle in Purāṇic cosmogony and cosmology. Introduction to the goddess materials in the epics and Purāṇas ; The devil-Māhātmya ; Cosmogony and goddesses in the Purāṇas ; Primary creation (Sarga): basic cosmogony ; Secondary creation (Pratisarga) ; The explicit introduction of the feminine element in creation: Prakṛti/Śakti as the consort of God ; Integration of the feminine principle in accounts of cosmogony: Sarga and Pratisarga
Concluding remarks. Resume ; Further implications of the study: historical and socio-political implications ; Further implications of the study: cultural implications.