Procedures and devices. Angioplasty ; Blood transfusion ; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) ; Cataract surgery ; Dialysis ; Endoscopy ; Heart-lung machine ; In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) ; Organ transplantation ; Pacemaker ; Prosthetic hip ; Stem Cell therapy
Tests and tools. Angiocardiography ; Clinical trials ; Computed tomography (CT) ; Electrocardiogram (ECG) ; Electroencephalogram (EEG) ; Electronic medical records and medical informatics ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ; Pap smear ; Sphygmomanometer ; Stethoscope ; Thermometer ; Ultrasound ; X-Rays
Medications and vaccines. Antihistamines ; Aspirin ; Birth control pill ; Chemotherapy ; Cortisone ; Diphtheria toxoid ; Insulin ; Modern psychopharmacology ; Penicillin ; Polio vaccine ; Streptomycin ; Sulfa drugs
Other important discoveries. ABO blood groups ; Anesthesia ; Antisepsis and asepsis ; DNA and the genetic code ; Germ theory of disease ; Helicobacter pylori ; Hepatitis C ; Human papilloma virus ; Iodine ; Malaria ; Monoclonal antibodies ; Vaccination ; Vitamins
Brief timeline of medical innovations.