An open primer: OER, open pedagogy, and information literacy / Mary Ann Cullen --
Information literacy and open education: parallel tracks toward a common destination / Paul Bond --
OER-enabled pedagogy meets info lit: empowering the next generation of open scholars / Lindsey Gumb --
"All the better to teach you with": integrating information literacy, academic composition, fairy tales, and OER / Rosie Liljenquist and Charla Strosser --
Library-led OER creation: case study of a collaborative information literacy project / James H. Cason and Nora B. Rackley --
Open GLAM as OER: digital cultural heritage and the intersections of primary source literacy and information literacy / Roger Gillis --
Supporting open pedagogy with information literacy instruction for multimodal composition projects / Mandi Goodsett --
Situated learning and open pedagogy: pathways for undergraduate students' emerging information literacies / Christina Riehman-Murphy --
The open shark tank: a case study of business research methods II / Dawn Lowe-Wincentsen --
Students speak: animating stories about the value of information / Vanessa Arce and Rena D. Grossman --
Critical librarianship and open education: a solution to information injustice / Kathy Swart --
Doing away with the "curricular black box": empowering students as OER creators to challenge information privilege / Yolanda Bergstrom-Lynch, Mary Mahoney, and Joelle Thomas --
Developing student OER learders: student advocacy and outreach through open pedagogy / Jen Hughes and Andrea Scott --
Fostering OER student champions through hiring practices and collaborative projects / Ariela McCaffrey --
Framing open education within the library / Amanda C. Larson --
Breaking open: defining a student-centered pedagogy / Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz and Elvis Bakaitis --
Collaborating to support learner empowerment through information literacy, OER & OEP / Jessica O'Reilly, Marnie Seal, and Mel Young.