Inscriptions from ritual bronzes --
The Analects of Confucius --
The Tao-te ching of Lao Tzu --
The Songs of the South --
Wang Fu's Discourses of a recluse --
Pan Chao's perfected woman --
The unattainable goddess --
The Buddhist pure land --
The holy teaching of Vimalakīrti --
Meditations on the body --
Alchemical recipes for immortality --
The mind-to-mind transmission of the Dharma --
Nailing a stick into empty space : Ch'an Master I-Hsüan --
The poetry of cold mountain --
The writings of Han Yü --
In search of a woman's spirit : the poetry of Po Chü-i --
The great ultimate of Chou Tun-i --
All people are brothers and sisters : Chang Tsai's Western inscription --
The writings of Chu Hsi --
Chi'en Ch'un's Learning of the way --
The way of the Taoist tradition of perfect truth --
A woman adept attains the way --
Mortal love and divine retribution in Yüan drama --
The writings of Wang Yang-ming --
Monkey's journey to the West --
Tales of the supernatural --
Confessions of a ghost --
The story of the stone --
Lu Hsün's critique of tradition --
The hypocrisy of modern Confucianism --
Mao Tse-tung overthrows religious authority --
The revival of the spiritual tradtion : the God of theater --
The fall of the goddess --
Contemporary Ch'an practice : Ch'an Master Shen-yen's Faith in mind --
Buddhism comes to America.