The just war tradition and the American military / James Turner Johnson
War, peace, and the Christian conscience / George Weigel
Message from the Executive Coordinating Committee of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., September 14, 1990
Letter from Archbishop Roger Mahony to Secretary of State James Baker, November 7, 1990
Message and resolution from the General Board of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., November 15, 1990
Letter from Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk to President George Bush, November 15, 1990
Testimony of Archbishop John Roach before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, December 6, 1990
Statement from eighteen church leaders to the American People, December 21, 1990
Message from thirty-two church leaders to President George Bush, January 15, 1991
Address by President George Bush to the National Religious Broadcasters, January 28, 1991
Statement to the press by Jim Wallis, February 1, 1991
A call to the churches, February 12, 1991.