Why tourism matters / Sharon Bohn Gmelch
Secular ritual : a general theory of tourism / Nelson H.H. Graburn
The global beach / Orvar Löfgren
Sightseeing and social structure : the moral integration of modernity / Dean MacCannell
Let's go Europe : what student tourists do and learn from travel / George Gmelch
Tourism and anthropology in a postmodern world / Frederick Errington and Deborah Gewertz
Tourism and its discontents : Suri-tourist encounters in southern Ethiopia / Jon Abbink
"Let 'em loose" : Pueblo Indian management of tourism / Jill D. Sweet
When sex tourists and sex workers meet : encounters within Sosúa, the Dominican Republic / Denise Brennan
Romance tourism : gender, race, and power in Jamaica / Deborah Pruitt and Suzanne LaFont
The limits of commodifications in traditional Irish music sessions / Adam R. Kaul
The Maasai and the Lion King : authenticity, nationalism, and globalization in African tourism / Edward M. Bruner
Performing traditional dances for modern tourists in the Amazon / Palma Ingles
The authentic (in)authentic : bushman anthro-tourism / Elizabeth Garland and Robert J. Gordon
In a sense abroad : theme parks and simulated tourism / Lawrence Mintz
Through a new mirror : tourism and identity in the Amazon / Amanda Stronza
Negotiating gender relations and identity between locals and tourists in Turkey : romantic developments / Hazel Tucker
Sherpa culture and the tourist torrent / James F. Fisher
Tourism in Ghana : the representation of slavery and the return of the black diaspora / Edward M. Bruner
Rites of the tribe : the meaning of Poland for American Jewish tourists / Jack Kugelmass
Sailing into the sunset : the cruise-ship industry / Polly Pattullo
The Janus-faced character of tourism in Cuba / Peter M. Sanchez and Kathleen M. Adams
Giving a grade to Costa Rica's green tourism / Martha Honey
Power disparities and community-based tourism in Vietnam / Melissa Stevens
Rethinking tourism / Deborah McLaren.