Introduction / Derry Koralek
Infants and toddlers exploring mathematics / Eugene Geist
Algebra in the early years? Yes! / Jennifer Taylor-Cox
Developing math games based on children's literature / Kay M. Cutler ... et al.
What children's play tells us about teaching mathematics / Kyoung-Hye Seo
Developing mathematical understanding along the Yellow Brick Road / Phyllis Whitin and David J. Whitin
Learning paths and teaching strategies in early mathematics / NAEYC and NCTM
Choosing books you can count on / Pat Dickinson
The Pizza Project : planning and integrating math standards in project work / Marilyn Worsley, Sallee Beneke, and Judy Harris Helm
Glossary of math terms / Heather S. Benson
Print and online resources that spotlight young children and math / Eugene Geist
Reflecting, discussing, exploring : questions and follow-up activities.