Introduction : a historical overview of American adoption / E. Wayne Carp
A good home : indenture and adoption in nineteenth-century orphanages / Susan L. Porter
Buildind a nation, building a family : adoption in nineteenth-century American children's literature / Carol J. Singley
What's love got to do with it? : "adoption" in Victorian and Edwardian England / George K. Behlmer
A historical comparison of Catholic and Jewish adoption practices in Chicago, 1833-1933 / Paula F. Pfeffer
Rescue a child and save the nation : the social construction of adoption in the Delineator, 1907-1911 / Julie Berebitsky
A nation's need for adoption and competing realities : the Washington Children's Home Society, 1895-1915 / Patricia S. Hart
Adoption agencies and the search for the ideal family, 1918-1965 / Brian Paul Gill
When in doubt, count : World War II as a watershed in the history of adoption / E. Wayne Carp and Anna Leon-Guerrero
Adoption stories : autobiographical narrative and the politics of identity / Barbara Melosh.