Part One: 1503-1527. The legacy of the fifteenth century ; Plenitudo Temporum ; The universal language ; Bramante ; The problem of St. Peter's ; Raphael, or the high period of classical rediscovery ; Antonio da Sangallo ; Baldassarre Peruzzi, or Experimentalism ; Andrea Sansovino ; Jacopo Sansovino ; Giulio Romano, or the time of unrest
Part Two: 1527-1564. Politics and culture ; From philosophpy to rhetoric ; The mature works of Peruzzi ; Classicism as manner ; Be a friend to the cold stone and the inner fire ; Vignola, or 'appeasement' ; Bartolommeo Ammannati, or the unquiet conscience ; Pirro Ligorio, or 'the fruits of the intellect' ; The Sangallo School ; Vicino Orsini, or the 'rural nobility'
Part Three: The language of Roman classicism ; Bibliography ; Index.