The Mesoamerican Calendar
Decipherment of Maya Glyphs
Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy
Contemporary Maya Images of the Heavens
Modern Maya Cosmic Diagrams
How the Sun Moves and Transforms
Venus among the Contemporary Maya
The Planets among the Contemporary Maya
Other Celestial Phenomena
Contemporary Maya Astronomy in Cultural Context
Tracking the Solar Seasons
Lunar Positions and Phases
The Stars and the Seasons
Precolumbian and Colonial Period Maya Solar Images
The Seasonal Cycle and the Solar Calendar
Solar Orientations in Architecture
The Sun in Precolumbian Maya Cosmic Diagrams
Concepts of the Sun's Motion.
The Precolumbian Kin Glyph
The Sun God in the Colonial and Postclassic Periods
The Sun God at Chichen Itza
Classic Maya Images of the Sun God and Earlier Prototypes
The Solar Bird and Solar Fire
GIII: The Sun as the Middle Brother
The Sun in the Precolumbian Maya Worldview
Precolumbian and Colonial Period Lunar Images and Deities
Colonial and Postclassic Eclipse Imagery
The Dresden Codex Eclipse Table
Classic Period Eclipse Imagery and Events
Maya Moon Glyphs and Symbols
Lunar Symbolism of Fish, Frogs, Toads, and Shells
The Jaguar Paddler: The Moon Paired with the Sun
The Lunar Twin: Xbalanque
The Classic Period Moon God in Monumental Art
The Young Moon Goddess in Colonial and Postclassic Times
The Aged Moon in Colonial and Postclassic Times.
The Moon in the Postclassic Murals at Tulum
Lunar Deities at Chichen Itza
The Classic Maya Moon Goddess
Venus and Mercury: The Body Doubles
Venus Observations among the Precolumbian Maya
Colonial and Postclassic Images of Venus
The Dresden Codex Venus Pages
The Seasonal Aspects of Venus
Regents and Victims in the Venus Pages
Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan: The Venus God from Central Mexico
Central Mexican Venus Symbols in the Maya Area
Maya Glyphs and Symbols Representing Venus
Lineage Founders and the Venus Cult
Chac and God B in Colonial and Postclassic Yucatan
Classic Period Images of Chac
Chac and GI in the Classic Period
The Sidereal Position of Venus
Mercury in Maya Imagery and Calendrics
The Inferior Planets in the Maya Worldview
Colonial Period Images of the Superior Planets
Mars among the Precolumbian Maya
Monkey Deities and the Planets
God K in the Colonial and Postclassic Periods
The Classic Period God K and GII
Jupiter Events and God K on Classic Maya Monuments
Classic Period Calendar Records Relating to the Superior Planets
The Celestial Wanderers as Planetary Gods
Stars, the Milky Way, Comets, and Meteors
Comets, Meteors, and Supernovas
The Scorpion and Skeletal Snake Constellations
The Peccary Constellation
Cross Constellations and Stellar Trees
The North Star and the "Dippers"
Central Mexican Images of the Milky Way
The Cosmic Monster and the Milky Way
Serpent Forms of the Milky Way
Roads in the Sky and Four Itzamnas
Classic Period Monuments with Images of the Milky Way
The Maya in the History of World Astronomy
Appendix 1. Guide to Astronomical Identities
Appendix 2. Table of Classic Period Dates and Associated Astronomical Events
Appendix 3. Table for Calculating the Tzolkin Intervals