Introduction: Coca-Cola: The Real Story Behind the Real Thing (1:42)
Marketing is Paramount (2:16)
I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (2:21)
The Anti-Soda Backlash (1:39)
The Contour Bottle (2:26)
Coke Belongs to the American People (2:52)
Coke's Ingredients (1:59)
The Company's Greatest Leader (1:59)
The Pepsi Challenge (2:22)
Delivering Coke in South Africa (2:04)
Coke Prospers in Africa (1:57)
Coke is Part of the Journey (2:00)
Untapped Potential (2:16)
Ozarks Coca-Cola Bottling Company (2:27)
The Coca-Cola Company Doesn't Make Coke (2:08)
Coke and its Bottlers (1:57)
Battling to Control Cost (1:32)
The Freestyle Jet Machine (2:43)
The Next Big Thing (2:00)
Credits: Coca-Cola: The Real Story Behind the Real Thing (0:45).