pt. I. Environmentalism and authoritarians
1. Green is the new red : the anti-American, anti-capitalist, and anti-human agenda of today's environmentalists
Green on the outside, red to the core
Your friends and neighbors
The familiar goal : global salvation
Environmentalism as religion
The betrayal of a movement
2. The authoritarian impulse : environmentalists want to run your life
Global warming : so sue me
Nuremberg for dissenters : "are you now or have you ever been ..."
Doomsay your way to fame and fortune
Global warming alarmism : who's the greatest?
pt. II. Global warming : the convenient lies
Top ten "global warming" myths
What's causing the warming?
How destructive is this warming?
Cure worse than the possible disease
There is "consensus" and there is truth
The United States of hotness?
Hockey stick takes center ice, denies and Ice Age
Hockey stick in the penalty box
7. Melting ice caps, angrier hurricanes, and other lies about the weather
Chilly reception for Arctic claims
Doing something about the weather
Al Gore : couldn't stand the weather.
pt. III. The false prophets (and real profits) of global warming
All the alarmism that's fit to print
9. The big money of climate alarmism
Enron : leader of the axis of E's
"Beyond petroleum"? : how about gotten beyond BP?
Chemical dependence : DuPont
No utility : Cinergy (now Duke Energy)
Big business and big green
10. Al Gore's inconvenient ruse
A better title : One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Sins of commission : the usual suspects
pt. IV. Making you poorer and less free
11. The cost of the alarmist agenda
Carbon rationing and Capitol Hill
Cost/benefit analysis : dividing by zero
It really ain't easy being green
The senate's unanimous rejection
Prattling political polemics