America's past, America's future : an introduction / James F. Hoge, Jr., and Fareed Zakaria
A requisite for the success of popular diplomacy / Elihu Root
After Versailles, the 1920s: Germany since the war / Karl Kautsky ; Nationalism and internationalism / Alfred E. Zimmern ; Lenin / Victor Chernov ; Concerning Senator Borah / Walter Lippmann
The gathering storm, the 1930s: The Great Depression / Edwin F. Gay ; Imperialism and communism / Nikolai Bukharin ; Of liberty / Benedetto Croce ; Dictatorship of the mind / Heinrich Mann ; Civilization on trial / H.G. Wells
War and victory, the 1940s: A turning point in history / Arnold J. Toynbee ; Pacifism and democracy / Julien Benda ; The critic turns actor / James B. Reston ; The challenge to Americans / Henry L. Stimson
A cold war, the 1950s: The sources of Soviet conduct / X [George F. Kennan] ; Reflections on American diplomacy / Henry A. Kissinger ; The delicate balance of terror / Albert Wohlstetter ; The silence in Russian culture / Isaiah Berlin ; The realities in Africa : European profit of Negro development? / W.E.B. Du Bois ; The underdeveloped and the overdeveloped / Margaret Mead ; Wormword and gall : an introspective note on American diplomacy / A. Whitney Griswold
The quagmire of Vietnam, the 1960s: To intervene or not to intervene / Hans J. Morgenthau ; The Viet Nam negotiations / Henry A. Kissinger ; American intellectuals and foreign policy / Irving Kristol ; A Viet Nam reappraisal : the personal history of one man's view and how it evolved / Clark M. Clifford
An age of limits, the 1970s: Isloated America / Hamilton Fish Armstrong ; The strategy of terrorism / David Fromkin ; The end of pan-Arabism / Fouad Ajami ; A monetary system for the future / Richard N. Cooper ; Human rights and the AMerican tradition / Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. ; Human rights and foreign policy : a proposal / William F. Buckley, Jr.
The collapse of communism, the 1980s: Misconceptions about Russia are a threat to America / Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ; Can the Soviet Union reform? / Richard Pipes ; Communism in Russian history / George F. Kennan ; The Cold War and its aftermath / Zbigniew Brzezinski
An uncertain new order, the 1990s: Technology and sovereignty / Walter B. Wriston ; Power shift / Jessica T. Mathews ; The bent twig : a note on nationalism / Isaiah Berlin ; The clash of civilizatons? / Samuel P. Huntington ; The last ambassador : a memoir of the collapse of Yugoslavia / Warren Zimmermann ; Competitiveness : a dangerous obsession / Paul Krugman ; Culture is destiny : a conversation with Lee Kuan Yew / Fareed Zakaria.