Volume 1. From the stone age to the Eleusinian mysteries. In the beginning: magico-religious behavior of the Paleanthropians --
The longest revolution: the discovery of agriculture, Mesolithic and Neolithic --
The Mesopotamian religions --
Religious ideas and political crises in ancient Egypt --
Megaliths, temples, ceremonial centers: Occident, Mediterranean, Indus Valley --
The religions of the Hittites and the Canaanites --
"When Israel was a child" --
The religion of the Indo-Europeans, the Vedic gods --
India before Gautama Buddha: from the cosmic sacrifice to the supreme identity Atman-Brahman --
Zeus and the Greek religion --
The Olympians and the heroes --
The Eleusinian mysteries --
Zarathustra and the Iranian religion --
The religion of Israel in the period of the kings and the prophets --
Dionysus, or bliss recovered --
Volume 2. From Gautama Buddha to the triumph of Christianity. The religions of ancient China --
Brahmanism and Hinduism: the first philosophies and techniques of salvation --
The Buddha and his contemporaries --
The message of the Buddha: from the terror of the eternal return to the bliss of the inexpressible --
Roman religion: from its origins to the prosecution of the Bacchanals --
Celts, Germans, Thracians, and Getae --
Orpheus, Pythagoras, and the new eschatology --
The history of Buddhism from Mahakasyapa to Nagarjuna, Jainism after Mahavira --
The Hindu synthesis: the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita --
The ordeals of Judaism: from apocalypse to exaltation of the Torah --
Syncretism and creativity in the Hellenistic period: the promise of salvation --
The birth of Christianity --
Paganism, Christianity, and Gnosis in the Imperial Period --
The twilight of the gods --
Volume 3. From Muhammad to the age of reforms. The religions of ancient Eurasia: Turko-Mongols, Finno-Ugrians, Balto-Slavs --
The Christian churches up to the iconoclastic crisis (eighth to ninth centuries) --
Muhammad and the unfolding of Islam --
Western Catholicism from Charlemagne to Joachim of Floris --
Muslim theologies and mystical traditions --
Judaism from the Bar Kokhba revolt to Hasidism --
Religious movements in Europe: from the late Middle Ages to the eve of the Reformation --
Religion, magic, and Hermetic traditions before and after the Reformation --
Volume titles: 1. From the stone age to the Eleusinian mysteries --
2. From Gautama Buddha to the triumph of Christianity --
3. From Muhammad to the Age of Reform.