From the Book - 1st Markus Wiener Pub., Inc. ed.
Negroes in south in store sit-down
Progress: by moderation and agitation / Eric F. Goldman
Two ways: Black Muslim and N.A.A.C.P. / Gertrude Samuels
Sheriff harasses Negroes at voting rally in Georgia / Claude Sitton
Negro queue in Mississippi is symbol of frustration in voter registration drive / Claude Sitton
Status of integration: the progress so far is characterized as mainly tokenism / Claude Sitton
Their text is a civil rights primer / Pat Watters
Mississippi factions clash before convention panel / E.W. Kenworthy
Negro party set to push its drive / John Herbers
Why the Negro children march / Pat Watters
The wonder is there have been so few riots / Kenneth B. Clark
After Watts: where is the Negro revolution headed? / C. Vann Woodward
A Negro psychiatrist explains the Negro psyche / Alvin F. Poussaint
The story of Snick: from "Freedom High" to black power / Gene Roberts
An advocate of black power defines it / Charles V. Hamilton
The full and sometimes very surprising story of Ocean Hill, the teachers' union and the teacher strikes of 1968 / Martin Mayer
The call of the Black Panthers / Sol Stern
The black studies thing / Ernest Dunbar
Odyssey of a man: and a movement / Paul Good
Dr. King's march on Washington, part II / José Yglesias
"No man can fill Dr. King's shoes:" but Abernathy tries / Paul Good
"We can't cuss white people any more. It's in our hands now" / Walter Rugaber
There is no rest for Roy Wilkins / Martin Arnold
A strategist without a movement / Thomas R. Brooks
For a black vice president in 1972 / Andrew M. Greeley.