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English, French and Italian madrigals
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Disc 1. Madrigals of Thomas Morley and John Wilbye. Now is the month of maying ; In dew of roses ; Shoot, false love, I care not ; Miraculous love's wounding! ; Hark, alleluia cheerly ; Arise, get up my dear ; Leave this tormenting ; I go before, my darling ; Say, gentle nymphs ; Good morrow, fair ladies ; April is in my mistress' face ; Though Philomela lost her love ; Hard by a crystal fountain ; Whiter away, so fast ; I follow, lo, the footing ; O grief! ; When lo by break of morning ; Besides a fountain ; Fire! fire! my heart / Morley. Thus saith my Cloris bright ; Happy, O happy he, who not affecting ; Ye that do live in pleasures plenty ; Ah, cannot sigh, nor tears, nor aught else move thee ; Stay, Croydon, thou swain ; Draw on, sweet night, best friend unto those cares ; Lady your words do spite me ; As fair as moun, as fresh as May ; Weep, weep, mine eyes, my heart can take no rest / Willbye.
Disc 2. The English Madrigal School. Ho! who comes here? / Morley --
Cease sorrows now / Weelkes --
Mother, I will have a husband / Thomas Vautor --
In going to my naked bed / Richard Edwards --
To shorten winter's sadness ; O care, thou wilt despatch me / Weelkes --
Of all the birds that I do know / John Bartlett --
All creatures are now merry-minded / John Bennet --
Sweet nymph / Morley --
Weep O mine eyes / Bennet --
The ape, the monkey and the baboon / Weelkes --
Oft have I vowed / Wilbye --
Strike it up, tabor / Weelkes --
Hope of my heart / John Ward --
Sweet honey-sucking bees / Wilbye --
Defiled is my name / Robert Johnson --
On the plains, fairy trains / Weelkes --
When griping griefs / Richard Edwards --
All at once well met / Weelkes --
Like as the doleful dove / Tallis --
The bitter sweet / Anon. --
Flora gave me fairest flowers / Wilbye --
O happy dames / John Shepherd --
Young cupid hath proclaimed / Weelkes --
The happy life (my friends, the thing I smile to see) / Anon. --
Thule, the period of cosmography / Weelkes.
Disc 3. The Silver Swan. Silver Swan / Gibbons --
Rest, sweet nymphs ; Diaphenia like the daffdowndilly / Francis Pilkington --
What is our life / Gibbons --
Though Amaryllis dance / Byrd --
Ah! dear heart / Gibbons --
This sweet and merry month / Byrd --
Dainty, fine bird / Gibbons --
Have I found her ; O softly singing lute ; Amyntas with his Phyllis fair / Pilkington --
Retire, my troubled soul ; Upon a bank with roses ; Out from the vale / John Ward --
I smile to see how you devise / Anon. --
Benedicam domino / Robert Johnson --
Lady, when I behold ; Adieu, sweet Amaryllis ; I always beg, yet never am relieved ; Thus love commands that I in vain complain me ; Oft I have vowed how dearly I did love thee ; Come, shepherd, swains, that wont to hear me sing ; Lady Oriana / John Wilbye --
Fair Oriana sweeming to wink at folly / Robert Jones.
Disc 4. French and English Madrigal Masterpieces. Allons gay bergeres ; Mignonne, allons voir si la rose / Guillaume Costeley --
Il est bel et bon / Pierre passerau --
Chant des oiseau / Clement Janequin --
Deploration de Jehan Ockeghem ; Parfons regretz / Josquin Desprez--
Nuit froide et sombre / Orlando Lasso / Chant de l'Alouette ; Ce moys de may Bataille de Marignan (aka La Guerre) ; Au joly boys / Janequin --
Mon coeur se recommande a vous / Lasso --
Lullaby, my sweet little baby / Byrd --
Now is the month maying / Thomas Morley --
When David heard that Absalon was slain / Thomas Tompkins.
Disc 5. Claudio Monteverdi: Madrigali Amorosi/Itlaian Madrigal Masterpieces. Altri canti di Marte e di sua schiera (text: Marino) --
Nifa che scalza il piede e sciolto il crine --
Lamento della Ninfa (text: O. Rinuccini) --
Perchè te 'n fuggi, o Fillide? (text: O. Rinuccini) --
Non partir, ritrosetta --
Su, su, su, pastorelli vezzosi. Cedan l'antiche tue chiare vittorie / Marenzio --
Matona mia cara / Lasso --
Scaldava il sol ; Soloe pensoso ; Leggiadre ninfe / Marenzio --
Ancho che col partire / Cipriano de Rore --
Il bianco e dolce cigno / Jacob Arcadelt.
Disc 6. Madrigals of Claudio Monteverdi and Carlo Gesualdo. Incenerite spoglie, avara tomba ; Ditelo, o fiumi, e voi ch'udiste Glauco ; Darà la notte il sol lume alla terra ; Ma te raccoglie, o ninfa, in grembo il cielo ; O choime d'or, neve gentil del seno --
Dunque, amate reliquie, un mar di pianto ; Zefiro torna e'l bel tempo rimena ; Lasciatemi morire ; O Teseo, o teseo mio ; Dove, dov'e la fede ; Ahi che non pur rispondi ; Oimé il bel viso, ohimé il soave sguardo ; Baci soavi e cari ; Ecco mormorar l'onde ; A un giro sol de bell'occhi lucenti ; Non più guerra, pietate ; Sfogava con le stelle ; Beltà poi che t'assenti ; Ecco moriro dunque ... Hai, gia mi disco loro ; Morro lasso al mio duolo.
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Arcadelt, Jacob,approximately 1505-1568
Bartlet, John,active 1606-1610
Bennet, John,active 1599-1614
Bevan, Maurice. prf
Brown, Wilfred,1921-1971. prf
Bartlet, John,active 1606-1610
Bennet, John,active 1599-1614
Bevan, Maurice. prf
Brown, Wilfred,1921-1971. prf
Byrd, William,1539 or 1540-1623
Cantelo, April. prf
Colleby, Geoffry(Bass) prf
Costeley, Guillaume,1530?-1606
Deller Consort
Edwards, Richard,1523?-1566
English, Gerald. prf
Frost, John,1924- prf
Gesualdo, Carlo,principe di Venosa,approximately 1560-1613
Gibbons, Orlando,1583-1625
Janequin, Clément,approximately 1495-approximately 1560
Johnson, Robert,approximately 1500-approximately 1560
Jones, Robert,active 1597-1615
Josquin,des Prez,-1521
Lasso, Orlando di,1532-1594
Le Sage, Sally. prf
Marenzio, Luca,1553-1599
Monteverdi, Claudio,1567-1643
Morley, Thomas,1557-1603?
Passereau, Pierre,active 1509-1547
Pilkington, Francis,-1638
Poulter, Eileen. prf
Rore, Cipriano de,1515 or 1516-1565
Sheppard, Honor. prf
Sheppard, John,approximately 1515-1558
Tallis, Thomas,approximately 1505-1585
Tear, Robert. prf
Thomas, Mary,1935-1997. prf
Todd, Philip(Tenor) prf
Tomkins, Thomas,1572-1656
Vautor, Thomas
Ward, John,1571-1638
Weelkes, Thomas,approximately 1575-1623
Wilbye, John,1574-1638
Worthley, Max. prf
Cantelo, April. prf
Colleby, Geoffry(Bass) prf
Costeley, Guillaume,1530?-1606
Deller Consort
Edwards, Richard,1523?-1566
English, Gerald. prf
Frost, John,1924- prf
Gesualdo, Carlo,principe di Venosa,approximately 1560-1613
Gibbons, Orlando,1583-1625
Janequin, Clément,approximately 1495-approximately 1560
Johnson, Robert,approximately 1500-approximately 1560
Jones, Robert,active 1597-1615
Josquin,des Prez,-1521
Lasso, Orlando di,1532-1594
Le Sage, Sally. prf
Marenzio, Luca,1553-1599
Monteverdi, Claudio,1567-1643
Morley, Thomas,1557-1603?
Passereau, Pierre,active 1509-1547
Pilkington, Francis,-1638
Poulter, Eileen. prf
Rore, Cipriano de,1515 or 1516-1565
Sheppard, Honor. prf
Sheppard, John,approximately 1515-1558
Tallis, Thomas,approximately 1505-1585
Tear, Robert. prf
Thomas, Mary,1935-1997. prf
Todd, Philip(Tenor) prf
Tomkins, Thomas,1572-1656
Vautor, Thomas
Ward, John,1571-1638
Weelkes, Thomas,approximately 1575-1623
Wilbye, John,1574-1638
Worthley, Max. prf
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