Processional. Let my prayer come up / Hallock (3:06)
The bidding prayer (1:34)
Antiphon, O sapientia / Mode II & Hallock (2:00)
Reading, Ecclesiasticus 24:1-8 (1:30)
Motet, O sapientia / Ramsey (2:28)
Antiphon, O Adonai / Hallock (1:46)
Reading, Isaiah 43:1-7 (2:08)
Hymn, O day of God draw nigh (2:52)
Antiphon, O radix Jesse / Hallock (1:47)
Reading, Isaiah 43 [i.e. 11]:1-6 (1:38)
Carol, A spotless rose / Howells (2:59)
Antiphon, O clavis David / Hallock (2:16)
Reading, Isaiah 22:20-24 (1:15)
Hymn, Hark! the glad sound (2:42)
Antiphon, O oriens / Hallock (1:38)
Reading, Isaiah 41:25-27, 42:1, 5-7 (2:01)
Carol, Infinite light / English traditional (2:36)
Antiphon, O rex genitum / Hallock (1:33)
Reading, Isaiah 45:8-13 (1:56)
Motet, Hosanna to the Son of David / Weelkes (2:27)
Antiphon, O Emmanuel / Hallock (1:33)
Reading, Isaiah 33:20-22, 7:14-15 (1:23)
Hymn, Lo, he comes with clouds descending (4:30)
Reading, Luke 1:26-38 (2:19)
Carol, Gabriel's message / arr. Willcocks (2:09)
Collect and blessing (0:57)
Hymn, O come, O come Emmanuel (6:30).