The environmental setting
History of Andean archeology
Development of a period framework
The lithic period: 21,000-4000 B.C. : Old world antecedents
The peopling undifferentiated gatherers
The earliest advanced hunters
The early postglacial hunters
Hunter-gatherers of the middle neolthermal
The archaic period: 5000-1300 B.C. : The lower archaic: appearance of agriculture
The upper archaic: village horticulturalists
The formative period: 1800 B.C.-A.D. 100 : The lower formative
The middle formative: spread of Chavin culture
The regional developmental period: 100 B.C.-A.D. 700 : The Gallinazo culture
The Wari empire: A.D. 700-1100 : The Wari culture
The "Tiahuanacoid" expansion
The regional states: A.D. 1100-1470 : The kingdom of Chimu
The Chanka "confederation"
The lake kingdoms of the Altiplano
The empire of Tawantinsuyu: A.D. 1430-1532.