Television and World War II (1942-1945) --
Postwar era (1946-1949) --
Second NTSC and color (1950-1953) --
Ampex revolution (1954-1956) --
Europe turns down NTSC (1957-1960) --
From helicals to high Band (1961-1964) --
Solid-state cameras (1965-1967) --
Television's finest hour: Apollo II (1968-1971) --
Rise of electronic journalism (1972-1976) --
Television enters the studios (1977-1979) --
Introduction of the camcorder (1980-1984) --
Death of RCA, or the G.E. massacre (1985-1989) --
Grand alliance (1990-1994) --
"E-Cinema" and the 1080p24 format (1995-2000).