From the Book - English-language ed.
The Romantic experiment / Sébastien Allard
The salon : tradition and modernity
Heroism : traditional models and the modern world
The artist as demiurge : originality versus principles
The emergence of landscape : beyond the constraints of genre
Disenchantment with history
Ingres and Ingrism : the principles regenerated
From historicism to eclecticism / Sébastien Allard and Laurence des Cars
Classical antiquity and the shock of hiostry
A modern style : nineteenth-century Gothic
Eclecticism and re-creation
The realist revolution / Laurence des Cars
Daumier : freedom of the outsider
From the true to the modern : a new painting
Realism and spontaneity : the seeds of Impressionism
The modern city / Sébastien Allard and Laurence des Cars
In search of a new Paris (1820-50)
The "transformation" of Paris : Napoleon III and Haussmann
Dreams of the city : the universal exhibitions
Fin de siècle / Laurence des Cars
Artists, power, and the market : a new environment
From history painting to naturalist narrative
The antinaturalist reaction : the appeal of symbolism
Stylistic quandaries and new aesthetics : neo-impressionism and cloisonnism
Art nouveau : the rejection of imitation.