Das Rheingold. The Rheingold appears ; Descent into Nibelheim ; Alberich's curse ; Erda's warning ; The gods enter Valhalla
Die Walküre. Siegmund and Sieglinde ; The ride of the Valkyries ; Wotan's farewell ; Magic fire music.
Siegfried. Siegfried's forging song ; Siegfried defies the wanderer ; Brünnhilde's awakening ; Siegfried and Brünnhilde
Götterdämmerung. Dawn ; Siegfried and Brünnhilde ; Siegfried's Rhine journey ; Vengeance trio ; Siegfried's death ; Brünnhilde's immolation.
Das Rheingold. Einzug der Götter in Walhall = Entry of the gods into Valhalla (10:20)
Hojotoho! hojotoho! (6:23) ; Feuerzauber = Magic fire music (4:44)
Siegfried. Schmiedelied = Forging scene (14:11) ; Waldweben = Forest murmurs (5:09)
Götterdämmerung. Trauermarsch = Siegfried's funeral march (7:51) ; Brünnhildes Schlussgesang = Immolation scene (20:30).