Snowflakes, songs from a child's world, op. 47
With a sharp pole-ax, op. 1, no. 2
She was yours, op. 7, no. 1
I love you, op. 48, no. 3
And I dreamed of a faraway land, op. 63, no. 5
In the evenings, in the hours of sad dreams, op. 51, no. 5
The first snow, op. 89, no. 2
Auntie Agashka, op. 96, no. 3
From op. 93, Seven melodies to texts of Aleksandr Pushkin. Prayer ; Flower ; Youth, bitterly weeping ; To a cupbearer
The rosy reflection of sunset
The speckled hen, op. 85, no. 1
Tari-tari, op. 85, no. 4.