Some Polarities in Confucian Thought / Benjamin Schwartz
An Analysis of Chinese Clan Rules: Confucian Theories in Action / Hui-chen Wang Liu
Confucianism and the Chinese Censorial System / Charles O. Hucker
Confucian Elements in the Theory of Painting / James F. Cahill
T'ang Literati: A Composite Biography Hans H. Frankel
Traditional Heroes in Chinese Popular Fiction / Robert Ruhlmann
Sui Yang-Ti: Personality and Stereotype / Arthur F. Wright
Feng Tao: An Essay on Confucian Loyalty / Gung-wu Wang
From Myth to Myth: The Case of Yueh Fei's Biography / Hellmut Wilhelm
PART 5: Protest and Dissent
Protest Against Conventions and Conventions of Protest / David S. Nivison
Confucian Eremitism in the Yuan Period / Frederick W. Mote
PART 6: A Tradition's End
The Suggestiveness of Vestiges: Confucianism and Monarchy at the Last / Joseph R. Levenson.