Part one: Types of organizations and their operating rules
The fundamental pillars of nonprofit management
Protecting the tax-exempt status
The nonprofit as a public corporation
Associations and other forms of organizations
Legal responsibilities of and to trustees
Part two: Financing the organization
Increasing gifts and contributions
Trusts, wills, annuities, life insurance, and endowments
Business revenues and tax-exempt status
Organizational and tax consequences of business ventures
Pitfalls in marketing, lobbying, and solicitation
Part three: Controlling organizational costs and risks
The budge as a tool of control and contracting
Compensation and employee benefits
Managing against claims of negligence and harassment
Part four: Managing the organization's finances
Financial statements as tools of conversation and control
Evaluating, setting, and implementing financial goals
Part five: Strategic planning for growth and survival
Strategic planning as a management tool for growth and survival
Searching for strategic opportunities and alliances
Reorganization: mergers, divestitures, sale of assets, acquisitions, conversions.