Introduction / Robert L. Root, Jr.
The Clipbooks. One Man's Meat (1942; 1944). ... But No Man's Poison [Review] / Henry S. Canby. Humanity and Humor [Review] / Diana Trilling. One Man's Meat by E.B. White / Scott Elledge. "Once More to the Lake": A Mythic Interpretation / Roger S. Platizky. "Pattern of Life Indelible": E.B. White's "Once More to the Lake" / Leonard G. Heldreth. The Second Tree From the Corner (1954). The Profession of a New Yorker [Review] / Joseph Wood Krutch. The Wonder and Wackiness of Man [Review] / Irwin Edman. The Points of My Compass (1962). Hearth and Hurricane [Review] / Herbert Gold. The Essays of E.B. White (1977). Smilin' Through [Review] / Nigel Dennis. The Quiet Wit of E.B. White [Review] / Richard Freedman. The Poems and Sketches of E.B. White (1981). The Voice of the New Yorker [Review] / Edward Hoagland
The Children's Books. Stuart Little (1945). Mrs. Little's Second Son [Review] / Rosemary Carr Benet.
Stuart Little: Or New York Through the Eyes of a Mouse [Review] / Malcolm Cowley. Charlotte's Web (1952). What Makes a Good Children's Book? The Texture of Charlotte's Web / Peter Neumeyer. Writing in Charlotte's Web / Janice M. Alberghene
The Letters. The Letters of E.B. White (1976). White of the Rueful Countenance [Review] / Spencer Brown. E.B. White on the Exercycle [Review] / Donald Hall
Assessments. E.B.W. / James Thurber. In Praise of E.B. White, Realist / Clifton Fadiman. E.B. White / Warren Beck. E.B. White, "Farmer/Other" / Norris W. Yates. The Designs of E.B. White / Gerald Weales. Remarks ... / John Updike. Magic in the Web: Time, Pigs, and E.B. White / Helene Solheim. The Sparrow on the Ledge: E.B. White in New York / Thomas Grant. E.B. White and the Theory of Humor / Stephen L. Tanner. Contesting Discourses in the Essays of E.B. White / Ken Smith. Forms of Imposture in the Essays of E.B. White / Richard F. Nordquist.