Introducing Muhammad Sa'id al-'Ashmawy to an English-Language Audience / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban. Introduction to Humanism in Islam
- Islam and the State: Islamist and Liberal Humanist Perspectives Contrasted
- Context of al-'Ashmawy's Work: Extremist Militants in Egypt
- Al-'Ashmawy's Thought in the Tradition of Islamic Reform
- An Islamic Reformation? Islamic "Fundamentalism," Islamic Humanism, and Relations with the West
Part I. Islam, Judaism, Christianity: One Religion, One Vision, Many Paths. The Development of Religion
- A Framework for the Coexistence of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Common Thread of Salvation
Part II. Islamic Religion and Politics. The Relationship between Religion and Politics. The Caliphate Government in Islamic History. The Call for an Islamic Government
- The Call for an Islamic Constitution in the State of Egypt
Part III. Islamic Law and Contemporary Politics and Society. Interpretation of Texts in Egyptian Law and Islam
- Taxes, Zakat, and Sadaqa
- The Veil in Egyptian Law and Islam
- Militant Doctrine in Islam
- Jihad or Holy War in Islam
- Reforming Islam and Law
- Islamic Law and Human Rights.